Graphic Design Portfolio

I have been practicing graphic design ever since my junior year of high school. I got my start with it through attending the Digital Arts and Design program of Penta Career Center near my hometown, which I remained in until graduation. I found myself to enjoy it just as much as I enjoy other types of art. After graduation, I continued to pursue graphic design by accepting a remote job offer in the field, as well as taking a few classes for it in the fall. Below is some of my work from these times. 

Promotional Items

This section will focus on designs I have composed which have the intent to advertise a product or event. All vector illustrations excluding logos seen in the below designs were created by me. 

Real World campaigns and concepts

Fictional campaigns


This section includes finished logos I've designed in Adobe Illustrator. Two of them ended up being accepted and used for promotion.

Real world logos and concepts

Fictional logos

Cover Design

Though I have only done a few works in cover design, I have found myself to be very fond of it. The first of the two works below is perhaps one of my greatest achievements during my time pursuing graphic design, as it ended up being used as the cover art for my school's yearbook, which was printed and distributed to hundreds of students. Though the second is fictional, it is modeled off of a standard, cluttered magazine cover, and is meant to portray the feeling of a disorder called Misophonia. 

Real World


Interactive Flyer (fictional)

This is a humorous interactive PDF made with InDesign, created with the goal of experimenting with its interactive features. What you see below is just a jpeg. The interactive version can be found here

Experimental (typography)

This assortment of images was made for a college project, and is meant to experiment with elaborate typography. Everything was created using Adobe Photoshop, and maintains a spooky horror theme.


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